Norma had a photograph she had taken earlier this year, when we went on the M/V Spirit of the Kawartha Boat Cruise on Stoney Lake that she wanted to paint and we decided that we would do our own version of the scene.
I took a small section of the picture to feature a grouping of the rocks close to the shore, while Norma decided she wanted to paint the entire area shown in the photograph.
Using French ultramarine blue with a small amount of Antwerp blue I brushed in the sky leaving a few area of white paper for the clouds and brushed in the water below the islands being careful to leave the foreground rocks without colour.
With various mixtures of raw sienna, burnt sienna, Antwerp blue and a small amount of aureolin, I painted in the far shoreline.

Next, I added some new gamboge to the various mixtures and add in the deciduous trees onto the islands on either side of the painting.
While the paint was still wet I dropped small amounts of pure burnt sienna in some areas pure cadmium yellow into others and some raw sienna to create texture in the foliage.
Once the trees on the island were dry, I used the remaining light green paint and added French ultramarine blue and raw sienna to darken the colour and painted in the pine trees on the islands.
Lastly, using a mixture of alizarin crimson and burnt sienna I painted in the rocks at the waterline of the islands.
I will post this painting at later date once I have finished painting the rocks.