Blue Sky G
On some I used French ultramarine blue with a hint of burnt sienna for the shadows in the clouds and then to warm the painting I added a touch of raw sienna.

Blue Sky H
On others I used Antwerp blue with the wash darker at the top and lighter as it goes towards the bottom of the sky leaving some white wispy areas for clouds.

Blue Sky I
A couple of the paintings I did vertically using different washes of the blue colour and painting it in with streaks of colour.

Blue Sky J
Another was done with putting more blue into the base of the sky and lighter with more clouds shapes toward the top leaving pure white paper for some areas of the cloud.

Blue Sky K
Another using Antwerp blue in the sky and adding a little raw sienna to warm the sky.

Blue Sky L
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and enjoy the artwork. I hope you will return often.