It is time consuming to get each of the markings in its exact location on the body and on this dog there are a lot of small freckles yet to be done.
I moved upward and rounded the bottom of the cheek slightly and darkened the shadow beneath the jaw giving it a more defined outline.
Working below the sharp edge of the cheek bone I added more shading and indicated areas of highlight.
I did a little more work at the top of the skull and added more shading before I finally started to work on the eye lid and the area around the eye.

The first thing I put in is the tear duct in the corner of the eye and lightly indicate the skin surrounding it. Once that is in place it acts as a guide for the lower eye lid.
The upper eye lid is drawn and the shadow put into the bottom and in the crease. The highlight on the top edge of the eye lid gradually darkens towards the far side of the lid.
The furrows above the eye lid are gradually drawn in and defined.