It is a cool, 29F (-1.7C) cloudy and overcast and we are supposed to get more rain today, but at least it isn't as windy.

However, as the day progressed and the temperature rose and hovered around the freezing mark, it brought us an interesting mix during the day of rain, hail, snow and then more rain, more snow, more hail and then a mix of rain and snow. But the sun did finally come out and we had perhaps less than 10 minutes of sunshine.
I pulled out this drawing that I did a couple of years ago (see post on 02 September 2013)and thought it needed something more to make it a little more "spooky".

I played around with the drawing for a little while and settled on a full moon in the background.
This little 2-3/4" x 3-1/4" original pen and ink drawing is available matted and shrink wrapped for $20.00.