I did a small painting of the sky and water for the group using mixtures of raw sienna and burnt sienna.
All of them wanted to do the sky in the poster (see post on 03 May 2017).
Sunset Island 4
I did a large sky, warning them in advance that they must be careful so they do not end up with green in the sky where it comes in contact with the yellow.

A mix of raw sienna and burnt sienna was put into the bottom of the sky, darkened slightly and brushed across the bottom for the water.
Sunset Island 3
Most of the group were having a few problems with following along with what needed to be done so I did up two smaller pieces (one for each group) so they could see the steps.

With a dark mixture of French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna, we started painting in all the silhouettes beginning with the far island, its reflections in the water.
I started working on one of the small pieces to add in the rocks, trees and water ripples.
Sunset Island I
I would like to thank Mrs. Denise Coon on her purchase of Sunset Island 5.