I took a number of pieces over to my friend Heather's home to work on with her. This was one of them.
I originally had a few waves started in the lower left hand corner. With spending time away from the painting I realized that those were much too small for the size of the area of water and must be made larger if I wanted to create the illusion of distance.
Using French ultramarine blue, burnt sienna, raw sienna and alizarin crimson to create some of the wave patterns and trying to capture the impression of movement in the water.

As I worked up the left side of the painting to the boat I used more of the French ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and alizarin crimson. The wave size was also reduced. I also added some suggestions of waves across the water just below the horizon.
I will post this painting once I have completed the water, and I think I may also add a person onto the sailboat.
Thank you for looking at my artwork.