I thought I would continue with the painting Morning Reflections 1 that I had worked on earlier this week (see posts on 10 January 2013, 05 March and 12 August 2016).
I wanted to darken the warm colour in the sky which is also reflected into the stream using alizarin crimson.
Next I painted in the tree trunks using various mixtures of French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna. Once this was completed I took a much needed break for lunch.
On my return I added the darker colour onto the evergreen trees with French ultramarine blue and raw sienna.

Using the tree trunk colour, I put in some of the branches, twigs and growies at the base of the trees. With various mixes of raw sienna, burnt sienna, cadmium red, cadmium yellow and alizarin crimson I added dead grasses and leave around the trees.
I will post this painting at a later date once it has been completed.
Ten paintings were purchased from Heather Grant, Catherine Selinger, Ron Desjardine, Diane Collins Penny Little and Helen Sheppard. Small items were sold by Penny Little, Diane Collins and JoAnne Connell Northey, who also sold pottery.
The hours for our show are:
14 Aug 16 - 12:30pm - 4:00pm
We hope some of you will be able to come out and visit our show before it closes.