We decided to leave after breakfast because we were not sure how long we would be tied up in traffic due to construction.

On the way out of the Park we stopped and I got this photograph of the entrance sign for White Lake Provincial Park which is just off the highway.
We were pleasantly surprised that the traffic wasn't as bad and the delays were not as long as they had been on the way to White Lake.

Fortunately, we were early enough that they were drilling the holes in the rocks instead of preparing them with the blasting caps.
Although, where we were held up for almost an hour on the way to White Lake, once again gave us the longest wait time.

The company that is doing the work on this section of the highway is extremely slow. The fact they have barely moved beyond the set of traffic lights they were paving tells the story.
It took us a little over seven hours to get to Chutes Provincial Park and I was very happy to finally see the Park's sign.

We were in our campsite and set up by 4:00p.m. which gave us some time to walk around the park before it was time to make supper.
Our new campsite is right beside our original campsite, the difference is that this one has power so I can use my microwave and toaster.

After supper we spent the evening enjoying the peace and quiet.
Tomorrow I am looking forward to going hiking on the Twin Bridges Trail.