I washed in the background with a pale mix of Antwerp blue and French ultramarine blue.
While the sky colour was drying I made various greens of the two blues, raw sienna, new gamboge, aureolin and burnt sienna.
Fence Posts 1
I then used the various greens to paint in the hills and foreground grass and set the painting aside to dry.

Next I came to an area with a stand of pine trees behind another wire fence.
Using the same two blues I put in the sky with lighter and darker areas.
With the various greens I put in the pine trees and the distant hills.
Fence Posts 2
Once again I took a reference photograph before continuing down the road.

I came across a weedy field with deciduous trees in front of pine trees.
I used mixes of the same two blues for the sky and different combinations of the blues and yellows for the trees and grasses.
Fence Posts 3
I will post each of these paintings once they are completed at a later date.