The first thing was to paint in the sky to using various mixtures of mainly Titanium white, with a touch of lemon yellow and another of the same mix with cadmium yellow added.
The lighter mixture was put into the top of the sky while the darker one was put into the lower areas of the sky.

Next using Titanium white with French ultramarine blue and a touch of raw sienna area of frost touched branches were put into the background trees.
Various shades of green were mixed using French ultramarine blue, raw sienna, lemon yellow and Cadmium yellow and applied to the cedar trees.

Once the cedar trees were completed a mix of Titanium white, French ultramarine blue and alizarin crimson and applied to give a little more detail to the frost covered brush in front of the background cedars which completed the left side of the background.
I will post this painting at a later date once I complete the background on the right side of the painting.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and look at the artwork.