When the rain stopped and the sun came out the temperature continued to rise giving us a summer like afternoon of 52F (11.1C) and the day ended with a beautiful sunset.

Since the weather was so miserable in the morning I pulled out these two paintings that I started last year (see posts on 29 August and 29 October 2015).
I worked back on forth on both pieces and started by painting in the water with various mixtures of Antwerp blue, French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna.

Sailboat 3
Next I worked on the sky using both of the blues and left some of the areas in the sky white for the clouds.

Once the sky was dry I washed in a small amount of raw sienna and new gamboge into the bottom of the clouds to five the painting a little warmth.
Then set them aside to dry completely before removing the miskit.

Sailboat 4
I will post each of these paintings at a later date once I complete the sailboats.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.