Today I wanted to do a little more work on this series of paintings showing the four seasons that I have been working on for a little while (see posts on 07 July 2012, 18 July 2013, 14 July 2014 and 24 July 2015).

Spring Forest 3
Using various mixtures of French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna I painted in the main tree trunk and branches.
Next I used a mix of Antwerp blue, French ultramarine blue and raw sienna to paint in the darker middle ground and foreground grasses, before setting this painting aside to dry.

Summer Forest 3
With all the tree trunks completed it was time to start painting in the ground cover with grasses.
For this I used a pale mix of Antwerp blue and raw sienna as an under paint, then gradually darkening the green with French ultramarine blue and adding more details to the grasses as they come closer to the front of the painting.
This painting was then set aside to dry.

Autumn Forest 3
For this painting I added some dark twigs into the foreground and around the base of some of the larger trees.
To give the painting a little more warmth I added in some grasses and growies with burnt sienna.

Winter Forest 3
For this piece I used raw sienna and burnt sienna to put in the grasses at the base of some of the larger trees.
I felt the large foreground tree should have a few leaves still clinging to the branches and added them in as well as a couple of fallen leaves among the grasses.
I will post each of these paintings at a later date once they have been completed.