I selected a silver warming dish, a glass container with a silver lid and an ornament of a silver rose with a "ruby" in the centre of the flower.
Again it was a difficult choice to make as there also was a coffee pot with a cream warmer on the top, a vanity tray with filigreed silver around its mirrored base, a cream and sugar set of royal blue glass set within a silver rim and base resting on a matching silver tray and lastly a silver plant holder.
I started on the left side with the large covered, four-legged warming dish which had ornate scrolling on the handle of the lid and at the top of each of the four legs.

To the right of this I put in the bevelled glass jar. The glass created a kaleidoscope of complex patterns from the colours behind it as they showed through the glass.
I then placed the ornate silver rose ornament with the red glass faceted stone set into the centre of the rose. The stem started the base of one foot of the warming dish, went behind the glass jar and the flower protruded out to the right beyond the jar.
Lastly, I put the folds in the cloth beneath the silver pieces.
Perhaps in the future I may do another piece featuring one of each of the three metals.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and look at the artwork. I hope you will return often.