This first sketch is of a dapple grey Percheron gelding that I saw last year at one of the fairs.
Together with his team mate, they were in the horse pulling competition and did fairly well placing third behind two teams of Belgians.
Perhaps as I do more work on this sketch I will add his team mate, Bob and put the harness on the pair of them.

When I sketch I have a tendency to block the various parts and pieces in with straight lines and rectangles without using a lot of circles.
Hunter Head Study
Many other artists prefer to use circles and connect them together with lines to block in their subject. Either way works well, it just depends on what works best for the artist.

As I work on refining this sketch into an outline drawing, I will have to make a number of changes to the basic shapes in order to have the head drawn in the proper proportion.
Try Me Now
I will post each of these sketches at a later date once the outline sketch has been completed.