The tree was over 100 years old when we purchased the property in 1978.

During the winter a wide variety of birds would pause in its branches to rest between trips to the feeders or be there in the morning waiting for me to fill the feeders.
Last year, in the early summer I was saddened to see the leaves on the western side of the tree wither and drop to the ground and it continued until by the fall the branches were completely bare.
In the spring only a few of the branches on the east side of the tree had leaves and by the summer they too, had withered and fallen to the ground leaving nothing but bare branches.

Then he started by making the beginning cuts to the tree so it would fall where he wanted it to land.
It took some time to do as elm is a hardwood and this tree had a fairly wide base.
At this point I went down into the front field to take photographs of the elm as it would fall to the ground.
It didn't take very long for the once majestic tree to make its downward descent to the ground.

This will be our project for the rest of the day and probably continue until the end of the weekend.
But by that point we should also have the trunk cut up into manageable chunks and stacked to be split next year when it has dried.
My job while he is working on the larger pieces will be to clear the area of all the smaller branches and bundle them together for kindling.