Starting with a very dark mix of French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna I put in the darkest black on the goblet first and gradually lightened the colour for each value of grey needed to for the goblet, the water in the decanter and on the stopper at the top of the decanter.
With a pale wash of alizarin crimson I indicated the reflection from the wine decanter onto the goblet and in the water of the second decanter.

Using a pale wash of burnt sienna with a touch of raw sienna I put in the reflections from the wood panels of the walls onto the goblet and the stopper of the water decanter.
Next I added small touches of new gamboge, French ultramarine blue, Antwerp blue and raw sienna for the rest of the reflections on the polished silver of the goblet.
I will post this painting again once I have completed the water decanter.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork.