I wanted to do some work on one of the paintings I am donating to the Small Treasures Show at KAGS, so I pulled this one out that I had started last year (see post on 30 December 2014).
I started by first painting in the small section of the sky using Titanium white and French ultramarine blue.

For this I used various mixtures or cadmium red, cadmium yellow, lemon yellow, raw sienna and alizarin crimson and also left some areas with the background raw sienna wash showing. These colours were also brushed into the water.
To create the shadows a dark was made using French ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and alizarin crimson.
Cerulean blue and Titanium white was added to the shadow colour and the tree trunks were indicated as well as the rocks.
The greens were painted in next using various mixtures of both blues, raw sienna and both yellows.
I will post this piece at a later date once the painting is completed.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and enjoy the artwork. I hope you will return often.