It is sad that some people have no respect for another person's property and I am sure they wouldn't like me trespassing on their property with a rifle and shooting at things without their permission.
This is a painting I started earlier this year with its companion piece Sunlit Buildings 1 (see posts on 07 May, 16 September and 18 October 2015).

I continued with adding more detail to the barn board using various mixtures of French ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and alizarin crimson.
Next came the roof; the raised tin was painted with the dark mix as were the eaves and fascia boards. Using pure burnt sienna the rust was added onto the tin roof.
A small piece of masking tape was added to the open door to keep it lighter.

Now it was time to be bold and glaze over the entire painting to darken it and change it into a night scene.
I mixed together a wash of French ultramarine blue and then added small amounts of burnt sienna, Antwerp blue and alizarin crimson until I was happy with the colour of the paint.
Setting it on a flat surface and using a large brush, I washed over the entire painting and set it aside to dry.

I removed the friskit and the masking tape from the door and the window.
I painted the light into the window and the door with raw sienna and a touch of cadmium yellow. The with more of the glazing colour I darkened the shadows behind the building.
If you would like more information about OSWOA please go to my post on 12 March 2010.
The OSWOA shown here is an original watercolour painting using Artist quality Winsor & Newton paint on 140lb. Arches 100% rag, acid free watercolour paper. It is priced at $40.00 and sold unframed.