Using a limited palette of French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna for most of the background of this painting and gradually darkening the colour as the closer trees become more defined would work well; and we may not even require a third colour for this painting.
Then entire paper was wet and then a light wash of the grey mix was applied. Then the paper was set aside to dry slightly as more pigment was added to the wash colour.

With the darker paint the distant horizon was put in with a few soft indistinct trees.
Adding a little more of the two colours the next layer of trees were added as well as a little more of the background.
Some of the students wanted to do a lake in the foreground, while others wanted to have a fence line with trees.
At this point I had each student do another background on a smaller piece of paper and in two weeks we will complete one of each.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork.