I started working back and forth between all three of the figures first as other pieces would either cover over them or be markers for the placement of other things.
Using white and ultramarine blue I added the helmsman's hat and t-shirt and at the same time I added a little more detail to the other white t-shirt and hat.
The back pad and the wood on the gunnel were painted in next using raw sienna and gradually adding more burnt sienna for the shading.
I added a little white and Cerulean blue to the wood colour for the shorts on the one figure and pure Cerulean blue for the other shorts with a little white added for the highlights.

Next using pure titanium white I put in the rest of the gunnel and more of the upper part of the cabin as well as a little of the fore deck.
Using various mixtures of grey, blue grey and black I put in the housing for the mast when the boat is in transit and the mast has to be lowered. Once that was dry the next piece to go in was the stern guardrail with the same colours.
With a dark of burnt sienna and ultramarine blue I put in part of the companionway. To this dark I added alizarin crimson and painted the rest of the stern in preparation for putting in the ladder.
I will post this painting again once I put in the ladder and start adding more details to the hull (the under body of the boat).