Unfortunately, I can expect a long and stressful trip to Toronto today dealing with all the fools on the road who either drive as though they are on dry roads, weaving back and forth across the lanes in an effort to get where they are going faster and are basically an accident waiting to happen; or the others who creep along afraid, constantly riding their brakes and cause major slow downs. Not something I am looking forward to doing, but that is life.
I thought I may as well relax before I have to leave and do a couple of drawings showing the light source, the highlight, regular colour, the shadow, reflected light and cast shadow.

I started with a cylinder using a roll of paper towel as my guide. Once I had put in the quick outline, I put in the dark area in the top indicating the hole in the core of the paper towel, this was followed by putting in the light area where the normal colour of the object is seen, being careful to leave the paper untouched where the highlight was located.
Next, I added the shadowed area, followed by leaving a lighter area for the reflected light on the far side of the roll of paper towel. Lastly, I added the cast shadow beneath the cylinder shape of the paper towel to ground it.
Since I still had some time before I had to leave I wanted to do a sphere and as my model I used a very large marble.
I indicated my light source, followed by putting in the cast shadow to anchor my marble in place.
Starting at the top of the marble I left an untouched area for my highlight and from there gradually worked my way down to the bottom of the marble leave a light space for the reflected light.
Unfortunately, I have to head out.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork.