The background hills were painted in using mixtures of raw sienna and burnt sienna.
The shore line on the far side of the river was washed in with raw sienna as was the under painting for foreground dried grasses of the foreground.
Lazy River 1
Against the water I added a little French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna and scattered a few rocks along the far shore.

Next I darkened the green by adding burnt sienna to the green mix. I painted in the foreground trees.
I darkened the water with the tree colour in one of the paintings.
Lazy River 2
With burnt sienna and blue I painted in a few tree trunks through the background hills.

With a dark mixture of blue, alizarin crimson and burnt sienna I started to put in a few tree trunks in among the foreground pines.
By the time I started adding in a few leaves with raw sienna onto a couple of the foreground trees it was time to close the Gallery and head home.
Lazy River 3
It will post these paintings as they are completed.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.