Water was splattered onto the paper and then the paint was

As the paint was drying water was applied to the paper using a spray bottle.
Blowing Leaves
A pale wash of French ultramarine blue was put into the background.
Using a flat brush and a mix of the blue and raw sienna an impression of pine trees were painted.
Raw sienna and alizarin crimson were

Using the flat brush another paler background tree was made from a mixture of the colours dropped on the paper.
Water was sprinkled onto the paper and a dark mix of the three primary colours was painted in across the top and in some areas towards the middle of the paper.
Raw sienna was brush across some of the center of the paper and then alizarin crimson was put into the bottom of the painting.
Using mixes of the primaries and a flat brush "grasses"

Some of the individual grasses were lifted out using water and the thin side of the flat brush.
Waving Grasses
If you would like more information about ACEO please go to my post on 11 March 2010.
The ACEO shown here are all original watercolour paintings using Artist quality Windsor & Newton paint on 140lb. Arches 100% rag, acid free watercolour paper. They are priced at $20.00 each and sold unframed.