A lot of things needed to be changed on the building so I started at the top and changed the angle on the front part of the roof adjusted the chimney and lowered the back roof to give more definition to the shape of the building.
I used various mixtures of French ultramarine blue, raw sienna and burnt sienna to match the greens in the background to make the changes to the silhouette of the building. Since I was using the green mixes I washed over the bright teal colour to the right side of the building.
For the front roof I used alizarin crimson and burnt sienna for the shingles and repeated those colours with the addition of raw sienna for the chimney.
For the back roof I used mixes of raw sienna, French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna and kept it as a tin roof.
On the far right side of the building I wasn't pleased with the window over the top of the door, it looked as though the building had a screaming face so I removed the window with water and made the door a little larger.

Next I added two more windows, one beside the door on the left side and another to the right of the door on the other section of the house.
Since I wanted the building to have that neglected look I used a greyed green of Antwerp blue and burnt sienna and brushed it through some areas of the white walls. While the paint was still wet I put in the shadows on the building with cobalt blue.
While that was drying I added a few fence posts to both sides of the house using burnt sienna and connected them together wire. At the same time I added some of the burnt sienna to the tree trunk and on some of the branches to take away the solidness of the dark shape.
Now that the building had dried I went in with a dark of burnt sienna and French ultramarine blue and gave a little definition to the door and window frames.
Lastly I went into the foreground grasses and weeds with various mixtures of raw sienna, burnt sienna and French ultramarine blue.
If you would like more information about OSWOA please go to my post on 12 March 2010.
The OSWOA shown here is an original watercolour painting using Artist quality Winsor & Newton paint on 140lb. Arches 100% rag, acid free watercolour paper. It is priced at $40.00 and sold unframed.