With my driveway covered in ice due to the thaw, walking on it tomorrow to do the barn chores is going to be treacherous.
The following backgrounds are the created from unused paint from yesterday's acrylic painting.

Background 73
This background was made using Hansa yellow, yellow ocher and a small amount of ultramarine blue.

Background 74
Ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, alizarin crimson and titanium white were used on this background painting.

Background 75
This piece was made using cadmium red, alizarin crimson, burnt sienna and titanium white.
I had plans to complete some of my acrylic paintings at St. Matthews church in Buckhorn with the Tuesday Painting Group, but once Heather and I arrived there we found that there was a leak in their gas heating and they had the doors open so we wouldn't succumb to carbon monoxide poisoning.
Needless to say we didn't stay very long and by the time I dropped Heather off at her house and returned home I was no longer motivated to paint.
But tomorrow is another day.