The days are warmer and the nights continue to drop down in temperature often well below freezing.
For this painting I used a thin wash of raw sienna to underpaint the canvas so that if there are areas where the acrylic paint dosen't completely cover a nice warm glow from the raw sienna will show through.
The sky was painted in with a mix of French ultramarine blue and titanium white.

The background trees where painted with various mixtures of titanium white, raw sienna, burnt sienna, French ultramarine blue and cobalt blue.
The snow on the roof is mainly titanium white with a hint of French ultramarine blue.
The sugar shack is various mixtures of burnt sienna, raw sienna, alizarin crimson and French ultramarine blue. The window frames where alizarin crimson, burnt sienna and a touch of French ultramarine blue.
The background snow is of mixtures of cobalt blue, French ultramarine blue and titanium white.
I will post this painting once it is complted.