I thought an autumn evening would be ideal and I started by putting in the sky with a mixture of raw sienna and new gamboge.
Using raw sienna, I under painted the areas where I was going to put in the bright orange leaves and some of the grassy areas at the base of the background trees.
With various mixtures of French ultramarine blue, Antwerp blue, raw sienna and new gamboge, I painted in the pine trees into the background.
While the paint was still wet, I lifted the trunks of a couple of birch trees on the left side of the painting.
Using various mixtures of alizarin crimson, cadmium red, cadmium yellow, aureolin and new gamboge I put in the autumn coloured leaves throughout the painting and as a reflection into the water.

I dotted in a few small areas of coloured leaves using mixtures of cadmium red and cadmium yellow.
With the darkest green I put in a few dead tree trunks throughout the painting.
Using some of the dark green tree colour I brushed in the water around the orange reflections.
Lastly, I put in the rocks along the shore with various mixtures of French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna.
I do apologize about the photograph, but it was taken after I had framed it when I thought to take the picture.
This original, framed 5" x 7" watercolour painting is available for $95.00. SOLD