Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Reeds 4-6 Three Works in Progress

Today I was over at my friend Heather's along with Irene and the three of us worked on our paintings.

Where we are set up on Heather's kitchen table we are able to look out the window and see the inlet and a section of Lake Chemong.

I decided that I wanted to paint the reeds and bull rushes from the inlet.

Reeds 4

Mixing up Antwerp blue with a little burnt sienna gives a wide range of lovely green greys which make a wonderful under paint for the calm water of the inlet.

I worked back and forth on all three of these paintings.

I started with the paler background colour of the slowly moving water with the sunlit reflecting off of it.

Reeds 5

Then each painting was set aside to allow it to dry.

A slightly darker mixture was made by adding more pigment and a touch more burnt sienna.

To the first one I added in the mass of reeds. With the second one I added a little raw sienna to the mixture and started to indicate the brighter coloured reeds.

Reeds 6

I will post these paintings at a later date as they are completed.