As I traveled along Selwyn Road to get to the highway I found this barn on the corner and turned onto one of the side roads to get a better view.

Barn I
Back on Selwyn Road I saw this barn through the trees and as there was no access to a side road to be able to see the barn better I had to make due with what I was available.

Barn II
The next barn I found was on Highway 507and was fairly easy to see without having to get off the shoulder of the road.

Barn III
As I continued up the highway I remembered seeing another in barn when I cut across County Road 15 to get to Highway 28. It was easy to find and I took the time to get a detailed sketch.

Barn IV
I turned around and headed back toward Highway 507 and came across another barn just before the getting to the highway.

Barn V
A little further along the 507 I came across this L barn with an attached shed, near the highway and after completing the sketch I looked at the clock and decided it was time to turn around and head home.

Barn VI
I am pleased with the results of my day out and ended up with a number of drawings that could work into some very nice paintings.