Today I am painting with the Buckhorn Tuesday Painting Group and I thought that I would do four different drawings each representing one of the four seasons with people on a roadway..

Spring 3
I thought I may as well start with spring, which is well known for its rainy days. After putting in the road and some trees on each side I put in a few puddles on the road.
Then I added a lone figure walking on the road and carrying an umbrella to keep off the rain.

Summer 3
Next it was time to work on the summer road, with its hot days and trees covered in leaves which provide shade from the sun.
After getting the road and trees put into the drawing, I thought for this one to put two couples out for a walk on the road heading toward each other.

Autumn 3
After lunch I started on the autumn road with its semi bare trees on each side of the road and a scattering of leaves at the edge of the road.
For this one I thought I would like to have three people walking down the road.

Winter 3
Before the afternoon was over I wanted get the last season completed. I started by indicating the road and putting snowbanks on each side of the road with the trees bare of any leaves.
Lastly, I put an adult with a child walking along the road.
At a later date I may decide to do painting of the four seasons.