Needless to say I didn't move around too much after that happened so I spent some time working on this painting (see posts on 03 October and 05 December 2018).
After looking at this painting before I started, I decided that the large white areas needed to be made smaller, otherwise which ever colours I put in would overpower everything.

Using a mixture of French ultramarine blue and alizarin crimson for a deep rich purple, I added in some strong dark lines going in various directions.
I added a couple of areas of new gamboge to bring in light.
Next I added cadmium red for some rich colour and then mixed it with the yellow for a bright orange.
Using a mix of the yellow and the blue I applied some more areas of green into the painting.
Looking at the few remaining white spaces I knew that I wanted to keep some of the white, but not in such large areas.
It was time to leave it alone and give some thought to it when I wasn't hurting.
I will post this painting again once it has been completed.