Since the 15th July we have had only two days without humidity and all the rest were 86F (30C) or higher, which is unheard of in this part of Ontario. With today no different and the temperature is at 82F (27.8C) and the humidity at 89F (31.7C) with a few sprinkles of rain.
We will see if August brings more of the same.

I thought I should work on a winter scene to "cool" things down, so I pulled out these two little paintings that I have been working on at various times this year (see posts on 29 February 2016 and 11 May 2016).
Using a mixture of French ultramarine blue and raw sienna, I painted in the pine trees on both paintings.
Autumn Snow 1
Next I mixed a grey with French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna.

I started painting in the tree trunks and branches on the maple trees, doing the furthest away ones first.
I darkened the paint gradually by adding either a little more of the blue or of the brown as I painted the in closer trees.
I will post each of these paintings at a later date as they are completed.
Autumn Snow 2
Thank you for looking at my artwork.