Friday, April 8, 2016

16th Annual Peterborough Garden Show

It was a very busy day, starting first thing this morning when we took the grids and lights from KAGS and transported them to the Evinrude Centre to set up the art display at the Peterborough Garden Show.

Fortunately, we had many people helping to unload and set up the grids which were the most time consuming part.

While we waited for artists to bring in their paintings the drapery and lights were set into place.

For the most part we tried to keep all of each artist's work together and also to have similar colours and media on the same panels.

That way none of the paintings would be over shadowed and each one would have the chance to shine in their own light.

In total it took about three hours to hang all of the 58 pieces and to adjust the lights to present the paintings at their best.

Some of the group made sure the identification tags were put into place, being careful to make sure they were with the correct painting.

Others saw that the tables and chairs were set up, covered with tablecloths and the business cards, pamphlets and brochures about KAGS were displayed.

With a final check to be sure all the lights were working, the tie ends were picked up, the tablecloths were straightened and everything was neatly in place. We left for the afternoon.

I will return tonight to sit the first shift and if necessary correct anything that needs fixing, though I doubt there will be any problems.

The hours for the show are:
08 April 5:00-9:00pm.
09 April 10:00am-9:00pm.
10 April 10:00am-4:00pm.

If you have a chance, please come out and enjoy the show.

Who knows you may find something for your garden or a painting that you will enjoy having on your wall for many years.