Cow 5
I completed the drawing of Cow 5 that I had started earlier this month (see posting on 02 May 2014) and made a number of changes.

Cow 3
I decided that I was going to work on these three pieces in the same manner I worked on the two that I completed. (see yesterday's posting).
First I painted in a simple sky on Cow 3 using French ultramarine blue, white and a touch of burnt sienna and set it aside to dry.

Cow 4
Next I worked on Cow 4 and after painting in the sky decided to give it a little more interesting background and with Hansa yellow, and French ultramarine blue I put a pasture behind the cow.
With the last cow, since the image takes up so much of the canvas I once again did a simple background sky.

Cow 5
I decided that I wanted to work up Cow 4 since it was different than the other two cow paintings.
Using just black and white I painted in the markings on the cow and indicated some of the hair detail as well as some of the shadows.

Cow 4
I will post each painting at a later date as the cows are completed.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and look at the artwork. I hope you will return often.