I decided to go through some of my pieces that didn't work out and were kept for playing with colour or cut up to make into small paintings.
I pulled out these two pieces that had started as moss covered, granite rocks, but it didn't quite work out.

Coral Reef 1
After looking at them I thought I could turn them into underwater paintings.
Using French ultramarine blue, cobalt blue and burnt sienna I painted in the water. For the first one I put the darker water at the bottom against the rocks and added some lighter areas toward the top to indicate the waves and light coming in from the sky.

Coral Reef 2
For the second painting I lightened the colour slightly with water to try and create what it looks like from under water when a wave comes over a rock near the surface and the sun shining through the sallower water.
I will post each of these paintings at a later date as more work on them is completed.