I had a Red-bellied woodpecker come to my feeder. It is the first time I have ever seen one and by the time I got my camera it had disappeared. I can only hope it comes back and becomes a regular visitor.
Since I saw a new bird this morning, I thought I would do a little more work on this drawing that I had started a long time ago (see posts on 14 September 2013 and 15 October 2016).
I started by putting in a few more reeds on the right side and added another part of the fallen tree in behind the reeds and then added in the waterline and a few ripples.

Next I added a few more water ripples below the large tree trunk an put in the reflection of the branch.
I will post this drawing at a later date once I have completed the heron.
I would like to thank returning collector Mrs. Joanne Fernall of Norwood, Ont. on her selection of Rearing I (see post on 19 May 2011).
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.