I started by hanging paintings on the north wall behind the chairs and the tables before anyone came inside to use them.

Now that those paintings were hung I could work on the large display area on the south wall behind the front desk.

I started by hanging the large painting of the girl and the draft horse on the second panel first to get the largest painting hung and out of the way.

As I looked at the remaining paintings, I decided to keep the two horses together and put the pencil drawing of the horse to the right of the large painting.

With there being a person in the large painting I tried putting the two paintings with people in them on the next panel.

Unfortunately, it didn't look right to me, so I moved the portrait to the next panel and hung the painting with the sailboat below the figure skater, which looked much more balanced.

I left the portrait to the right side of the last panel and hung my final two paintings on the left side one above the other.

Next, I went around and cleaned any glass that may have gotten finger prints on the glass while I was hanging the show.

Lastly, I put all the labels by the paintings and made sure that all of the paintings were hanging straight.

If you have a chance, please come out and view this display at the Selwyn Public Library - Bridgenorth Branch, Located at 836 Charles Street, Bridgenorth, Ontario. The exhibit runs from 04 September - 08 October 2019