I used a mixture of Hansa yellow and white and added a little more light into the sunlit side of the sky. Next I put in the background tree line in with a mix of mauve and blues. The background fields were painted in with a mixture of blue, yellow and burnt sienna.
Next I darkened the shadow on the building and added the shadow to the chimneys then I lightened the sunlit wall and darkened and brightened the roof of the house.

Into the foreground I put the grasses of the pasture using various mixes of green, cadmium yellow, burnt sienna and raw sienna. In the process I covered up most of the draft horse that I had drawn in there originally. Now that most of the under paint is completed I will put the draft horses back into the painting at once I decide how many and where to place them.
I will post this painting at a later date once more of it has been completed.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.