I pulled out this painting to work on that I have been picking away at for a while (see posts on 30 January 2011 and 12 March 2013).
I started with the centre section behind the birch trees and completed that first before taking a break to have a cup of tea and lunch before taking the dog out for a walk.

The nice thing was that it had warmed up a little with the temperature at 19F (-7C) and the wind chill was 3F (-7C), but the not so nice thing was that the flurries had changed to snow and now there was another 6" (15cm) on the ground and according to the weather report I can expect another 2-1/2" (6cm) overnight.
I continued to work on the trees in the background until I completed those on the right side of the painting before calling it a day.
I will post this painting at a later date once I have painted the large birch trees behind the rocks.