Loon Call Lake is a fairly small, long narrow lake compared to some of the other nearby lakes.
Loon Call Lake I
It is approximately three miles (4.8km) in length with an irregular shoreline which in some places drops off sharply and has a number of islands. The lake reaches maximum a depth of 56' (17m) with the average depth being 16' (4.8m).

The launch site is at the northeast end of the lake and as usual we paddled to the end of the lake where we stopped to have lunch.
Loon Call Lake IV
We were in a small inlet and Ron started fishing and I took out my sketchbook to draw while we let the wind and the current carry us back.

As usual I made a number of sketches and took reference photographs and will probably at a later date turn them into paintings.
Loon Call Lake V
There are two paintings that I want do in the not too distant future that are both in almost the same location.

Loon Call Lake II
The first one is of a marker which is in the channel between the shore and one of the larger islands. It is of a solar patio light mounted on a post. I thought it was a wonderful idea and I am sure that when it originally had only a plastic marker many boats hit the rock before they could slow down and maneuver away from it.

Loon Call Lake III
The other is of a chair sitting all alone on the rocky island among the tall pines far from the cottage located on the southern side.

Loon Call Lake VI
It wasn't long before the sun was getting low in the horizon and we were back at the launch site.

Loon Call Lake VII
On our way down Highway 28 and stopped in Burleigh Falls to have supper at the Lovesick Lake Restaurant and Grill before returning home.