I made a mixture of Antwerp blue and raw sienna and worked back into the scarf.
Adding a little more blue to the mix the shadow colour in the creases and folds of the scarf was applied. Then almost pure Antwerp blue was used for the fringe.

I thought the colour of the top hat was a little wishy washy so I mixed a rich black using French ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and alizarin crimson.
I repainted over the existing colour leaving some highlights on the sunlit edge of the hat.
Using the same colour I added the eyes, mouth and buttons onto the snowman.
Now was the time to add shadows onto the body of the Snowman to give him some shape.
I used various mixes of French ultramarine blue, cobalt blue and burnt sienna to add the shadows and the slightly darker shadows cast by the scarf.
I will post this painting at a later date once I have added the arms and a few growies into the foreground.