This is the first art exhibit the Library Art Gallery will be having since the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Once we arrived at the library we unpacked all the paintings and set them up around the gallery area on the floor putting similar subjects together.

Since we had a large number of florals and still life paintings, we decided to start with the first wall and hang them there and then decide how we would hang the remaining pieces.

We decided to start the middle wall with JoAnne's large underwater painting for the centre of the display and worked out toward the ends on each side. Trying to chose paintings which had water, cottages or were landscapes.

To the right side we tried to use paintings with warmer colours closest to her painting and gradually going to neutral colours toward the end.

On the left side we chose paintings that had water and colours in blue and green tones.

Now we had the last wall to complete and we found that most of the remaining paintings were either oils or acrylics, with a couple of watercolour paintings and graphite drawings.

We started the far end of the wall and hung the smaller watercolour painting on the end and put the two graphite drawings together beside it followed by the larger watercolour painting.

Lastly, we hung the remaining oil and acrylic paintings to complete our display.
We will return next month to change some of our paintings so there will be new pieces for the public to view. If you have a chance please come out and visit out exhibit.