It didn't take us very long to get the canoe off the trailer, the gear loaded, into the lake and we were on our way.
Mississauga Lake I
Even though as we headed out the wind started up and the clouds rolled slowly rolled in we decided to continue.
The lake is fairly large with a surface area of 1,452 acres (588 hectares) and deep with a maximum depth of 130' (39.6m) the average depth being 58' (17.7m).
Mississauga Lake II
The lake is known for Lake Trout, Small Mouth Bass and Large Mouth Bass and Ron was hoping to get a few of them.
We soon pulled into an inlet and Ron started fishing and I took out my sketchbook and started on a drawing of a birch tree at the end of a spit.
Mississauga Lake III
After taking a number of reference photographs I started on a sketch of the shore line of the inlet. I didn't get very far along on it before Ron decided to go to another area where the fish may be biting.
We continued on our way up the lake and stopped in another inlet and Ron went back to fishing while I started another sketch; but since he wasn't having any luck there we decided to take a break and have lunch.
Mississauga Lake IV
After lunch we continued along the shoreline and came across an area which had the stumps of many large cedar trees that had died and fallen due to the rise of the water level many years ago.
I referred to the area as the "Cedar Tree Graveyard" due to the lack of any live trees.
Mississauga Lake V
After getting the "graveyard" blocked in I turned my attention to a spit of land coming out into the Lake at the end of the area and I did a quick sketch of the tall pines and cedars.
The wind at this time was getting a lot stronger and we decided we had better get back to the boat launch before we get soaked. On the whole it was a good day even though Ron didn't catch any fish.