I brought with me a couple of partially finished paintings and decided I would work on this one that I had started last year (see posting on 11 December 10).
I brushed new gamboge and aureolin into the background to brighten some of the autumn colours that had lightened too much when they dried from the first wash of colour.

I used cadmium yellow and cadmium red to indicate areas with maples trees.
Using mixtures of raw sienna, burnt sienna, French ultramarine blue and Antwerp blue I painted in some of the evergreens behind the large rock cliff first then started to add some of the larger closer trees into the middle ground of the painting.
I cleaned up much of the area around the rock cliff with water and removed the dark lines that were originally going to be taller much closer trees.
There is still a lot more to do on this painting and I will post it at a later date.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and look at the artwork. I hope you will return often.