There were many interesting pieces hanging on the walls in a wide variety of media.
Some of the acrylic had various metallic pigments and textured gels used in them.

Others were collages with cut outs from books and magazine pasted onto a background and painted.
Some were made of layers of cut paper and put into shadow box frames giving them a three dimensional affect.

I also took in my paintings for the upcoming show called "The Future is Now" which is Part II of a show held in February this year called "Blast from the Past".
The new show will feature the artists’ interpretations of items and images that had been displayed from the Olde Gaol Museum.

The opening reception for the new show is on 01 October 2016 from 1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. and the exhibit will continue until 22 October 2016.
When I returned home it was to find that Ron had been very busy working on the new door he was putting into the living room.

He had taken out the support beams which has been on either side of the smaller door and replaced them onto either side of the new doors.
While the work on the door isn't finished yet and my living room looks like a battle zone I know that it won't be long before everything is finished and I will be able to enjoy the magnificent view from the top of my hill.