The theme for the class was "Harvest Time" featuring various fruits and vegetables with an autumn theme.
I decided to do the brightly coloured Indian corn with a couple of maple leaves to add some orange and red tones to the piece.
After drawing the image I started by putting a pale wash of raw sienna over all the corn husks. I darkened the mix slightly and started to add the next layer but ran out of time before getting very far.
I will post this painting at a later date once I have completed more work on the corn husks.

From there I was at the 12:30p.m. Information meeting for new members, where we had three people choosing to become KAGS members.
At 1:30p.m. I attended the meeting for KAGS's inclusion in next year's SPARK Photo Festival as one of our exhibitions.
After that meeting was over, I left KAGS to attend a 3:00p.m. meeting of the President's Council going over current business arising from emails received to the Gallery and discussion about the upcoming AGM next month.
Finally I was able to head home and bring in the horses and start the barn chores.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.