Lorraine was there ahead of me and while we waited for them to open the doors and let us in to change the art work we moved my paintings from my vehicle to the door.

Once the doors opened it took very little time to move the paintings inside and stack them at the back.

It was easier for me to climb the ladder to take Lorraine's paintings off the wall and hand them down to her.

I unwrapped my paintings and then Lorraine handed them to me and made sure that they were hung on the wall straight

It didn't take long for Lorraine to wrap her paintings and for me to set up my biographies, price list and cards on the shelf.

I put my empty containers into my vehicle and then helped Lorraine take her paintings to her car.

From start to finish it took only 45 minutes to make the exchange and we were out with time to spare before they opened the door for their customers.