The sky was painted with a wash of Antwerp blue and a few of the many pigeons were added.
I lightly drew in the people walking on the street so I wouldn't paint over them. Then the shadowed sides of the street were washed with Antwerp blue and the sunny side washed with raw sienna.

The building at the end of the street was painted with mixtures of burnt sienna and alizarin crimson.
The shadowed building on the left side of the street was painted with mixtures of French ultramarine blue, Antwerp blue and burnt sienna.
The sunny side of the building was painted with a darker mixture of raw sienna in some areas and a mixture of burnt sienna, raw sienna with a touch of French ultramarine blue to grey it.
The roof lines on all the buildings are pure burnt sienna and the shadow from the roof is a mix of French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna.
The doorways, windows and the edge of the roof were a dark mixture of French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna.
For the sunlit side of the street the window frames and door were painted with a mixture of Antwerp blue and raw sienna.
The flowers are alizarin crimson and the foliage are a mixture of French ultramarine blue and raw sienna.
I will post this painting when more of it has been completed.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.