I did one small section that had ears of Indian corn and a variety of squash and gourds in an old wooden butter bowl. With a dried bottle gourd and a Carnival squash on a bed of fresh fallen Maple leaves.

Once I had completed the drawing I washed in a very pale base of raw sienna and added various mixes of new gamboge, raw sienna and a touch of burnt sienna into the background.
The paper was so saturated with water that it had to be set aside to dry before I could do any painting on the still life.
I will post this painting at a later date once I complete some of the squash.
Today I have gotten my dog early from the Peterborough Humane Society since she came in heat yesterday and they cannot spay her for at least a month. So I have her at home now until next month when she will be spayed and then she will be mine permanently.