With white and ultramarine blue I put in the shading on the fore deck and the port side edge of the cabin.
Next I worked on the wooden trim on the gunnel by darkening the wood.
Next I put in the white stripe on the bottom of the hull where it shows above the water on the stern and goes forward to the bow.
With a pale mix of ultramarine blue and white I added more shadows of the rigging onto the foresail as well as a part of the lifeline (a cable that runs along the outside of the deck supported by stanchions to help restrain passengers).
Using alizarin crimson I put in the shadow of the indent on the hull.

Then adding a little ultramarine blue to the alizarin crimson I added some shading just above the white line and just below the bow.
With a thin mix of titanium white I put in the reflected colour from the water onto the hull and where the sunlit was being reflected. With thicker white paint I added the brightest highlights from the sun on the hull and gunnel.
I will post this painting again once I have added the details on the foredeck.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and enjoy the artwork.